Invited Talks

Nobuko Yoshida (University of Oxford)

Title: Protocol Conformance of Collaborative SPARQL using Multiparty Session Types

Abstract: Decentralised linked data gives users rights over their data while being accessible to other domains. The RDF (Resource Description Framework) and SPARQL have been the standard specifications for managing linked data for several years. Recent research and development introduce scalable, centralised and distributed RDF store engines with the SPARQL. However, writing SPARQL federated queries may grow more complex as the number of domain participants increases, presenting challenges such as source discovery, completeness and performance. This paper presents a SPARQL Query Template (SQT) that applies Multiparty Session Types (MPST) to determine the order of federated queries. We also guarantee protocol conformance between MPST and SPARQL relational algebra.

Zhenjiang Hu (Peking University)

Title: DSL Engineering via Lifting Transformation

Abstract: In the "software defines everything" era of information technology, safe and user-friendly domain-specific languages (DSLs) have gained increasing significance. These DSLs facilitate the direct representation of problems and algorithms tailored to specific professional fields, while empowering domain experts to intuitively craft code using domain-specific terminology and operations. However, developing DSLs tailored for domain experts remains a persistent challenge. Traditional embedded DSL design methodologies provide a rapid prototyping technique for DSL implementation, yet the close integration between the embedded DSL and the host language poses difficulties for domain experts unfamiliar with the host language. In this talk, I introduce a new approach to support rapid DSL implementation and the development of an IDE for the DSL. This approach incorporates an extensible general-purpose core language, a DSL definition technique leveraging syntactic sugars, and crucially, a lifting transformation for generating DSL implementations alongside an IDE optimized for DSL programming. We have devised a system, named Osazone, and employed it to create numerous DSLs, thereby demonstrating the flexibility, efficacy, and practicality of our approach in advancing domain-specific language engineering efforts.